Point perfect
Klitmøller's best children's spotPoint Perfect is a small pier that can create a perfect left wave on days when everything else doesn't work.
Rarely grows more than 1 m high.
Pay attention to:
There may be some large stones in the water right in front of the small pier and that is also where you go in the water, so be careful.
- Windsurfing Beginner to expert
- Kitesurfing Beginner to expert
- Kayak Beginner to expert
- SUP (wave) Beginner to expert
- SUP (tour sailing) Beginner to expert
- Surfing Beginner to expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
Klitmøller Reef
Klitmøller's most famous spotKlitmøller Reef consists of a reef that runs 50 m south of NASA (local surf club) and around to the north side of the clubhouse. It creates some really good and stable conditions because the reef consists of large stones and clams that hold the reef.
Pay attention to:
The reef consists of stones and mussels and can be very shallow.
- Windsurfing Beginner to expert
- Kitesurfing Beginner to expert
- Kayak Beginner to expert
- SUP (wave) Beginner to expert
- SUP (tour sailing) Beginner to expert
- Surfing Beginner to expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
Tolderstien is located in Klitmøller bayThe Tolderstien is a sandbar that is constantly shifting. When it is small it is a great starting place, but when it grows it can become hollow and with a large shore break.
Pay attention to:
There can be a lot of current in the bay and a violent shore break.
- Windsurfing Practiced to expert
- Kitesurfing Practiced to expert
- Kayak Beginner to expert
- SUP (wave) Beginner to expert
- SUP (tour sailing) Beginner to expert
- Surfing Beginner to expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
Fishermans corner
Fishermans corner is a heavy waveFishermans corner is a wave that breaks close to the shore and has a lot of water in it. It only works with nø swell. The way to get down to the spot is by following the large iron pipe over the pier.
Pay attention to:
It's a wave with a lot of water in it, so remember to get off in time, otherwise you'll end up in the gravel.
- Kayak Expert
- SUP (wave) Expert
- Surfing Practiced to expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
Fakir is an overlooked spotFakir has its name because there are concrete pieces with iron along the coast and just the first few meters into the water. It is a super nice wave when it works, but can be a bit round in it, so the spot is very suitable for SUP, large surfboards or kayaks. It can also be a super windsurf and kite spot. There is packaging right where the port stops.
Pay attention to:
There is always a little outgoing current and then there are large stones in the water for the first 10 m out.
- Windsurfing Practiced to expert
- Kitesurfing Practiced to expert
- Kayak Practiced to expert
- SUP (wave) Practiced to expert
- Surfing Practiced to expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
Fishfactory - is a super cozy waveFishfactory is a good wave when all else fails with winds from westerly directions. However, it can smell a bit because of the fishmeal factory, which is also the reason for Spotte's name. the place where you surf is just west of the small pier and then a little further out.
Pay attention to:
There are some large stones in the water so at high tide you cannot see them.
- Windsurfing Practiced to expert
- Kitesurfing Practiced to expert
- Kayak Beginner to expert
- SUP (wave) Beginner to expert
- Surfing Beginner to expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
Middles the most famous windsurfing spot in the area.Middles is a super windsurf and kite spot. There is plenty of room for rigging, plus there is plenty of space on the water, whether you are a beginner or experienced. It can also be a super surf and SUP spot, especially in winter when we can have a big wave period and all other spots are messy.
Pay attention to:
There can be a lot of current going NE along the coast. there are also large rocks in the water plus clams.
- Windsurfing Beginner to expert
- Kitesurfing Beginner to expert
- Kayak Beginner to expert
- SUP (wave) Beginner to expert
- Surfing Practiced to expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
Hamburg is an overlooked wave spot.In the old days, Hamburg was known for a large ship lying in the water. It has been removed today and there should be nothing left in the water. super windsurf and kite spot.
Pay attention to:
- there are stones in the water.
- Windsurfing Beginner to expert
- Kitesurfing Beginner to expert
- Kayak Beginner to expert
- SUP (wave) Beginner to expert
- Surfing Practiced to expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
Bunkers is a super surf spotBunkers got its name because of all the bunkers on the beach. the spot is divided into the bunker's reef itself and the bunker's break. I LOVE THAT SPOT
Pay attention to:
Bunker's reef consists of rocks and clams. Bunker's beach break consists of sand.
- Windsurfing Practiced to expert
- Kitesurfing Practiced to expert
- Kayak Practiced to expert
- SUP (wave) Practiced to expert
- Surfing Beginner to expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
Dead mans
Dead mans is a wave with power in it.Dead man's lies up in the bay in Vorupør where the stream flows out. It is a spot with power that breaks on a sandy bottom.
Pay attention to:
There can be a lot of current N on plus there is a lot of power in the wave because it breaks hollow.
- Windsurfing Beginner to expert
- Kitesurfing Beginner to expert
- Kayak Practiced to expert
- SUP (wave) Practiced to expert
- Surfing Practiced to expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
The small pier Vorupør
The small pier Vorupør safe spotThe small pier Vorupør is a small pier that can create a nice left wave. You jump into the water just south of the pier and paddle around it.
Pay attention to:
Watch out for the pier, it hits hard.
- Kitesurfing Practiced to expert
- Kayak Practiced to expert
- SUP (wave) Beginner to expert
- Surfing Beginner to expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
The big pier Vorupør
The large pier Ask for the safe choiceThe large pier in Vorupør can withstand a lot of wind and is therefore a very popular spot when it is windy, but can also be fantastic in calm weather. You jump into the water by walking south of the pier halfway out there are some holes where you can go under the pier, you choose the last hole. Remember there are large stones in the water right where you jump in.
Pay attention to:
There can be a strong current along the pier plus there are rocks right inside the corner.
- Kayak Practiced to expert
- SUP (wave) Practiced to expert
- Surfing Practiced to expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
The south side Vorupør
South side Vorupør equals powerThe south side of the large pier has a deep underground all the way under land, which gives a very strong wave right on land. super higher wave.
Pay attention to:
There is a hard shore break.
- Windsurfing Practiced to expert
- Kitesurfing Practiced to expert
- Kayak Expert
- SUP (wave) Expert
- Surfing Expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
- the unknown spot...Stenbjerg is not a place where many surfers, but it is worth checking out.
Pay attention to:
There are rocks in the water plus current that goes N on it.
- SUP (wave) Practiced to expert
- Surfing Practiced to expert
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
Lyngby is a pipelineLyngby is a completely straight piece of coast, so the waves need to come along the coast. it's a super fast wave with lots of power in it.
Pay attention to:
There is always plenty of current that goes N on - plus there is a wave that can even move a very grown man around.
- Windsurfing Practiced to expert
- Kitesurfing Practiced to expert
- Kayak Expert
- SUP (wave) Practiced to expert
- Surfing Practiced to expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
Agger city area
Agger town area exciting areaThe Agger town area is full of spots that stretch from the last pier north of the tang to all the piers south of the town. All these spots change all the time because of the sand migration that takes place, so you have to drive around a bit and check out the piers. The area north of the last pier on the tang can be a good windsurf and kite spot.
Pay attention to:
There may be plenty of electricity in the area.
- Windsurfing Practiced to expert
- Kitesurfing Practiced to expert
- Kayak Practiced to expert
- SUP (wave) Practiced to expert
- Surfing Practiced to expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
The large pier Agger
The large pier Agger is hard coreThe large pier in Agger is known for a strong shore break and large waves. It really is a place for people who are in control of their skills in the sea. Spottet offers fantastic wave riding for all disciplines. It works best for windsurfing and kites when the wind is S-SE.
Pay attention to:
It is a place with a lot of current and a strong shore break.
- Windsurfing Practiced to expert
- Kitesurfing Practiced to expert
- Kayak Practiced to expert
- SUP (wave) Practiced to expert
- Surfing Practiced to expert
Kite & Windsurfing
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
Casper's gut
Casper's gut is a jokerCasper's intestine is named after a doctor who has been employed at Thisted hospital. He always drove there and therefore surfed the name. It's a spot you typically drive to when everything else is blown to pieces, but there can easily be days when it plays to the max without the wind being wild and violent. The spot requires relatively large waves. The waves work best when the current enters the fjord.
Pay attention to:
There is a strong current in the canal because all the Limfjorden's water has to go in and out twice a day.
- Kayak Practiced to expert
- SUP (wave) Practiced to expert
- Surfing Practiced to expert
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
Høfde Q
Høfde Q is also a power spotHøfde Q acts like a small point break. You enter the water on the inside of the south-facing pier and then paddle straight out into the takeoff zone. Super cool wave but requires wind and waves from N-NE.
Pay attention to:
You have to be careful not to get in front of the southern jetty and lie down, as you can be washed up by the jetty if a larger set arrives.
- Kayak Practiced to expert
- SUP (wave) Practiced to expert
- Surfing Practiced to expert
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
Thorsminde - a fantastic spotThorsminde is a small fishing village where you surf on the south side of the harbor outlet. the main spot is right along the harbor pier, but there are more spots in the next few km. down the coast which works just as well. I LOVE THAT SPOT.
Pay attention to:
The wave can be very strong plus there can be a lot of current.
- Kayak Beginner to expert
- SUP (wave) Beginner to expert
- Surfing Beginner to expert
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing
Bøgsted Rende
Bøgsted Rende - a powerfull and fun waveBøgstedrende is a straight piece of coast which is very vulnerable to wind when it comes to surf. There is no windsurfing or kiting there. There is a true bottom.
Pay attention to:
There can be a lot of current plus there is a lot of power in the wave. Reminds me a bit of Lyngby.
- Kayak Practiced to expert
- Surfing Beginner to expert
SUP & Surfing
SUP & Surfing